Now the colour assessment of textiles and clothes in full size is possible with Garment Viewing Booth. The viewing booth provides the new Electronic Control Panel with lots of useful features as well as five different illuminants for colour assessment with different viewing conditions.
In contrast to other viewing booths, the Garment Viewing Booth has several light sources not only on the ceiling, but also on both side walls. Standard-compliant illumination of the entire booth is ensured in this way, allowing visual assessment of the test object without interfering shadows. The five available illuminants (D65, D50, TL84, A and UV-A) can be conveniently activated via the Electronic Control Panel (ECP) of the viewing booth.
The ECP itself has also been revised, now offering new and improved functions. For instance, the integrated operation hours meter and an illuminated keypad in green, yellow and red draw attention to an upcoming lamp change. Furthermore, the dimming of the five illuminants is continuously variable, meaning that the luminous intensity on the test object can be controlled. The Garment Viewing Booth can be connected to the in-house network via a LAN connection, and operated remotely via a web-based Remote App. All the settings that can be selected directly on the device, can thus also be conveniently made on a stationary PC or on a mobile device. In addition, a report on the matching process can be generated, including such details as selected light sequence, dimming, illuminant, test object, and company information.